Mod Update Notifier
This page is intended as a guide for developers for configuring Mod Update Notifier options within your own mods.
If you have a question about anything covered here, please ping spacegamedev
on the Satisfactory Modding Discord server for help.
Written for: Mod Update Notifier v2.3.0
If you haven’t already, create a Blueprint Class of type MenuWorldModule
This is where you’ll add your configuration variables.
Support URL
You can specify a URL for a donation button that will be displayed below the changelog when a user clicks on your mod.
Name: ModUpdateNotifier_Support_URL
Type: String
Example value:
Opt Out
If you don’t want MUN to check for updates to your mod, you can opt out. Make sure to set it to true.
Name: ModUpdateNotifier_OptOut
Type: Boolean
Value: true
Version tricking
You can trick MUN into determining your mod to be out of date for testing.
To do this, open your mod’s generated .uplugin
file located in your game install location, under
Change the SemVersion
and VersionName
fields of your mod to something older than the latest version on SMR.
You may also need to change the Version
field to match the major version of the other fields.
Save the file and launch the game again. If everything is working properly, you should see the Mod Update Notifier widget on the Main Menu showing your mod as out-of-date.
When you’re done, make sure to set the uplugin fields back to their original values to avoid any potential issues.
Optional: Automatically install MUN alongside your own mod
You can optionally have SMM automatically download and install Mod Update Notifier when your mod is installed or updated. To do this, you will need to add MUN as a dependency for your mod in Alpakit. Note that this will also require MUN to be installed alongside your mod, otherwise SML won’t allow the game to launch.
Open the Unreal Editor if you haven’t already, and click the Alpakit Dev button.
Next, click “Edit” on the mod for which you’ve implemented Mod Update Notifier functionality.
Scroll down to the “Dependencies” section and click the plus icon to add an element.
Set the name of this element to ModUpdateNotifier
and the “Sem Version” to ^2.3.0
or whatever the latest version is
(Make sure to include the caret ^
at the beginning to allow newer versions of MUN as it is updated).
Leave “Optional” and “Base Plugin” unchecked.